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Today time call Press call time .jpg "largest ever" radeon structure ... The helicopter "high people" occupy Kim Soo-hyun west coast Commissioner gimseokgyun Coast Guard Commissioner Firm) "The tragedy officer accused 122 people, accusing" the group A rescuer years heading a situation overview families call time leads to death years heading the case but the time rescuers pulse haegyeongcheong chapter helicopter take time to leave ... call today's helicopters transported articles urgent anganeun understand that at the time of call time victims

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Geolkkayo had to give up? No. structural value time students move shivers times, the helicopter Commissioner ... Source: OhmyNews | Naver **** The public accusation involved signed four-page link in a helicopter prepared that the victims did not receive a judgment call on the day of death 16 years of tragedy

It arrives in 3009 but will take the wrong people do not move all the implications 3009 Group A. - 5:40 pm: The first helicopter arrived B515 -> sense to ride the Yellow Sea Kim Soo-hyun Administration after 4 minutes. - 18:35: The second helicopter arrived B517 -> 19:00 Zhang riding sense gimseokgyun haegyeongcheong. On

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Field Why just was thinking I can not understand hardly are you seeing any media with lowest prices - Part 1 - The degree of morning news you need to know - kind milhui reporter (tbs) [Hold Interview - eight of the 10 people telephone connections Protestant "Flags opposition rallies and political participation?" - research gimsangdeok Mount (Korea Institute of Christian social issues)

Commissioner Kim Soo-hyun Yellow Sea Yellow Sea is the first helicopter ride Commissioner sense, the second helicopter ride chapter haegyeongcheong sense. ....... child was alive. Continue with CPR. Move to helicopters. But it failed to burn. As I boarded the helicopter, the chapter haegyeongcheong. The child is moved back times. And was that died. Please come back to view. After a while those incidents in the 14m distance from the plant News naohneyo years to find and call

For the objection is not this particular situation Zoey said, "can not make a judgment of death, if not an emergency medical technician, according to the work instructions the doctor." Bakbyeongwoo particular tide Truth chief director of "When the Coast Guard's Manual of Maritime Search and Rescue Manual must move the helicopter as the ship ditch," said, "I need a helicopter yirwojyeo not properly part
