티스토리 뷰

A common question to ask the artist. What do you like best in your own room? Yonghui: My pride is to raise a turtle in his room. What is the name of a turtle? Yonghui: You call that two turtle turtle in a large "versus" Little Turtle "cow" (ㅋㅋ). Awful cute. Seung Hun: I am the only mini fridge. I have not much to boast of.

Samsung has 'Park Hang-seo phones' launch also Orion, Lotte riding Park Hang-seo Raised [CBS No Cut News, Song, Young - Hoon choeinsu, jangseongju Reporter] Following the last year's sales of Hyundai Motor Vietnam also exploded this year. Hyundai recently declared the bout with Japanese companies in Southeast Asia are seeing unfold early localization strategies In Vietnam effect. Eda such a localization strategy, called the Vietnam Football Heroes Park Hang-seo

To be able to recall the time jotjiyo! Seung Hun: When I was a kid, was a football player is a dream, for the first time received a medal MVP! Seon: I used to play childhood toy. Charm is're not (ㅋㅋ). Seon: It was a Christmas present. I'm still lying in the room. - デ ビ ュ ー 以外 で, こ れ ま で で 一番 嬉 し か っ た こ と は 何 で す か ス ン フ ン:?!... あ り ま す っ 音 楽 番 組 "THE SHOW" で 1 位 に な っ た 時 番 嬉 し か っ た す ジ ニ ョ ン: そ う で す ね 僕 た ち 5 人 でデ ビ ュ ー し た 時 か ら 今 ま で, ず っ と 楽 し い で す ヒ ョ ン ソ ク:... In addition こ の 瞬間 が 一番 嬉 し い で す い い 人 た ち と 一 緒 に 仕事 が で き る っ て こ と が (! 周 り の ス タ ッ フ が 大喜 び) debut, the best so far

Volunteers 32. The singer does not want to be the age of his wife being made public. Reducing it to six letters? Rinnai is Slartibartfast] Voila 33. The best French chefs?

Since 2009, he advanced to the quarterfinals for the first time in five tournaments. It said that the third in the history South Korea. Meanwhile, Japan and Mexico will clash 4:30 AM 7 days. Long Fall reporter reminds epi17@sportschosun.com suddenly thought of Ahn's debut season, and looking at the mobile station 300 attack points of the day. Because of its herbal impact of the shot, the only threat was being shot in the Netherlands before 0: 98 is a surprise when picked five World Cup

The point seems better to teach each separately so you feel that due to the difference themselves level thanks to the four tips (skills) than the teacher will steadily climb! Q. 'is good because CIX!' And feel the moment? When with everyone. Q. If you represent the members in addition to him? Seon did this just looks like a parrot I raise that at home! (ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ) faction Q. nickname? Q. baebae music, but you have hobbies or interests other than dance? I want to broaden the width of the dance, a variety of dances lately

Exclusion or come via China, immigration slowly to prevent road trip and arrived junggyeryo relay is also jundamyeon do not apon the independent and ridiculous demands billions ??? The cell phone, electronic device. Ppaetgo also let reporters out and ... I'd better do something big four diplomatic away if you act. While some of the incorrect FIFA FIFA world also which getjiyo country they did not even speak or imagine jeottan behavior. Miserable eopneyo already seen the North Korean football and politics call away ... from the government about these diplomatic gyeolre seureopgi disappointed it does not matter to shout. I'm a little football fans ... original child naturally also traveled along a football pitch has been reported significantly. Watching some football in the Asian Games last year, stereotypical perception of the child

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Episode 13): The Movie "Bad Genius" + midfield If the "rumors of rumors of rumors, combined would I want to just come out of this work. 7. The Bodyguard (UK action spy drama, Season 1 Episode 6): eligible to work for Killing Time. 007 and the results are significantly different works. UK unique English pronunciation is off a little attention. 8. The last mission (Israel, drama, thriller, Season 10 episodes) War related
